Setting the $JAVA_HOME environment variable on OSX 10.5 or later

Setting the $JAVA_HOME environment variable on the Mac OS can be a little confusing. I hope this clears things up. Open either ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile in your favorite editor. I am using TextMate and I prefer editing ~/.profile. Add “export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)” to the file and save it. You can reload the current environment without logging … Continued

Enable Apache on Mountain Lion

Mac OS X Mountain Lion comes with Apache installed but not enabled. Here are the steps to re-enable Apache 1. Open the OS X Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/) 2. Create and open an Apache user configuration file named for your account in your favorite editor. I am using TextMate so I used the following command sudo mate … Continued

PHP, Eclipse and the Zend Framework

So I jumped at the idea of working on a PHP/Zend project.  I mean, who doesn’t relish the thought of developing in a weakly-typed language that seems more like a virtual explosion of the key-word and function factory than an actual language alongside a bloated, overly complex MVC framework?  Throwing caution to the wind, I … Continued